What If...

What if I am sick?

  1. 1) Contact your healthcare provider
  2. 2) Take your temperature – DO NOT come to work if you have a fever or any other symptoms associated with Coronavirus or the flu (aches, runny nose, heavy non allergy congestion)
  3. 3) Email us at together@chervan.com or submit a response on our form page.

What if my child does not have safe daycare now that schools are closed?

What if I am worried about loosing my job – but I am sick?

  • Attendance problems are a pattern – not a singular event. If you are already on warning for attendance problems please be sure to contact us ASAP if you are sick and needing to be out. If you have not been warned of an attendance problem by plant leadership, reacting responsibly to this flue pandemic is of no risk to you. Please just keep us up to date.

What if I am worried about a coworker being sick and passing it on to me?

  • We expect everyone to be conducting themselves responsibly and following best health practices. If someone is not (like coughing openly and uncovered) please address this concern with your immediate supervisor.
  • We will also be placing extra cleaning supplies throughout the plant including bleach bottles and towels. Please feel free to periodically clean commonly touched surfaces and let your supervisor know if additional cleaning supplies are needed.